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Winning in the SAAS/Cloud space: 10-Step sales & marketing blueprint.

Updated: Aug 7, 2023


The SaaS/Cloud business landscape has always fascinated me due to the innovative ways these companies offer value to customers and help them achieve their business objectives. I've had the opportunity to work with organizations like SAGE, Microsoft, and various SaaS start-ups and scale-ups and several private equity, venture capital and hedge funds, and I can attest to the contagious energy and excitement that permeates within their walls. The pace of innovation and the potential for growth and success is truly remarkable. There's a palpable sense of urgency and passion as everyone works tirelessly to bring their products to market and make a mark in the industry. In summary, the SaaS/Cloud business world is an incredibly dynamic and inspiring space, and I feel honoured to be a part of it.

With the rise of cloud computing and digital transformation, SaaS has become a popular model for delivering software and services to businesses of all sizes and estimated to be worth over $208bn in 2023. What makes SaaS particularly exciting is the potential for rapid growth and scalability, as well as the ability to provide customers with flexible and affordable solutions to their business needs. The SaaS market is constantly evolving, with new technologies and innovations emerging all the time. This creates an exciting and challenging environment for businesses to operate in, requiring agility and adaptability to stay ahead of the curve. Overall, the SaaS business offers tremendous opportunities for innovation, growth, and success, making it an exciting industry to be a part of.

But while the SaaS industry is growing rapidly, not all companies within this space are successful. There are several reasons why SaaS companies may fail today…

Reasons for Failure

Poor market fit: One of the biggest reasons why SaaS companies fail is because they fail to identify a need in the market and develop a product that meets that need. It's important to conduct market research and understand your target audience before developing your product.

Lack of differentiation: The SaaS industry is highly competitive, and it's important to differentiate your product from the competition. If your product doesn't offer a unique value proposition, it may be difficult to attract and retain customers.

Poor user experience: SaaS products are typically subscription-based, which means customers are likely to abandon your product if they find it difficult to use or if it doesn't meet their expectations. It's important to invest in user experience and ensure that your product is intuitive and easy to use.

Ineffective marketing: Even the best SaaS product won't be successful if customers aren't aware of it. Effective marketing is crucial to attracting and retaining customers, and companies that fail to invest in marketing may struggle to gain traction.

Lack of scalability: SaaS companies that fail to plan for growth may struggle to scale their business as demand for their product increases. It's important to invest in infrastructure and resources that can support growth over time.

Financial mismanagement: SaaS companies may fail if they don't effectively manage their finances. This can include over-spending on marketing or failing to invest in product development.

Poor leadership: Finally, SaaS companies may fail if they have poor leadership or lack a clear vision for the future. It's important to have strong leadership and a clear roadmap for growth and success.


Take some time to meet with your sales, marketing, customer success, and product management teams to discuss the extent to which these concerns are affecting your business. You could even ask your teams to rate each concern on a scale of 1-10 to see if there is a consensus on the issues. Then, develop a SMART action plan to start addressing the identified issues.

Getting Ahead

By identifying market needs better, developing a unique value proposition, investing in user experience and effective marketing, planning for scalability, and effectively managing finances and leadership, SaaS companies can increase their chances of success. Let look at areas that we should assess and develop key SMART actions to win customers.

To begin with, winning customers in the SaaS industry requires a unique approach to marketing. Unlike traditional software sales, SaaS marketing is focused on building long-term relationships with customers through subscription-based models. However, with so many SaaS companies in the market, it can be challenging to stand out and attract customers. Winning in the SaaS/Cloud space requires a comprehensive sales and marketing strategy that covers all aspects of the customer journey.

Here is a 10-step blueprint to help your SAAS/cloud business make the difference...

1. Identify your unique value proposition: Before you can win customers, you need to identify what sets your SaaS product apart from the competition. What unique value do you offer that no one else does? By identifying your unique value proposition (UVP), you can create marketing messages that resonate with your target audience and differentiate your product from others in the market.

2. Leverage intent data: If you want to get ahead in your SaaS marketing efforts, one effective strategy is to build out your ideal customer profile (ICP) and leverage intent data. By utilizing intent data, you can gain valuable insights into the behaviours and actions of your target audience, allowing you to create more personalized and effective marketing campaigns. With the right approach to intent data, you can better understand your audience's needs and preferences, tailor your messaging and content accordingly, and ultimately drive more leads and conversions for your SaaS business.

3. Create a strong brand identity: A strong brand identity is your “why” and that is essential for winning customers. Your brand should reflect your company's values and personality and create a memorable impression on your target audience. By investing in a strong brand identity, you can build differentiation and trust with potential customers and stand out in a crowded market.

4. Leverage social proof through customer references: Social proof is a powerful tool for winning SaaS customers. By showcasing testimonials, case studies, and other social proof, you can demonstrate the value of your product and show potential customers that you have a proven track record of success. Social proof can also help build trust with potential customers and make them more likely to try your product.

5. Offer a free trial: Offering a free trial is an effective way to win SaaS customers. By allowing potential customers to try your product before they buy, you can demonstrate the value of your product and build trust with them. Free trials can also help reduce the risk for potential customers and make them more likely to convert into paying customers.

6. Slick customer messaging: To improve your SaaS marketing efforts, it's important to focus on developing slick messaging. Effective messaging is key to capturing the attention of your target audience, communicating the unique value of your SaaS product, and ultimately driving conversions. By crafting messaging that is clear, concise, and impactful, you can make a strong impression on your audience and differentiate yourself from competitors in the market. In addition, slick messaging can help to establish your brand identity and build trust with your audience, leading to long-term customer loyalty and advocacy. So if you want to get ahead in SaaS marketing, harnessing slick messaging is a must.

7. Invest in inbound marketing: Inbound marketing is a cost-effective way to win SaaS customers. By creating valuable content, optimizing your website for SEO, and leveraging social media channels, you can attract potential customers to your website and build relationships with them. Inbound marketing can also help position your company as an expert in your industry and create a loyal following of customers.

• LinkedIn

If your SaaS product is primarily for other businesses, you must go to LinkedIn. A social networking site for professionals is a great place to connect with people from different industries and showcase your product or service. Also join the various relevant groups on LinkedIn which can help you promote your SaaS product.

• Twitter

Twitter is where you can engage with your audience and build brand awareness of your SaaS product. In addition, you can share news about your company or publish articles from your blog/vlog. Another good practice is following other industry leaders or brands and replying to their tweets or retweeting helpful information. If your brand voice permits it, you can even post a meme here and there to increase your chances of going viral.


YouTube can be convenient for your SaaS business. You can create various sections such as tutorials, training courses, or any other valuable content you can share with your clients. If you've launched a new version of your software or developed new features, your customers will find watching videos easier than reading blog posts about it. And if you don't have the necessary technologies for making videos, start a podcast and upload it to YouTube.

• Facebook

Facebook is a highly popular social media channel, ideal for B2B and B2C customers. While it's true that Facebook has an average of 1.82 billion people who use the social network daily, it has excellent tools for targeting audiences and creating effective ad campaigns. What's more, your very presence there will increase your brand awareness as customers looking for your brand will find some validation of your business. Facebook is also excellent for getting customer feedback and discovering gaps or inefficiencies.


You might think there are better places to promote your SaaS product than Instagram, but you could be wrong. Instagram is now one of the most essential and fastest-growing social channels, making it a great place to present your product more engagingly. Known primarily as a visual platform, Instagram offers a plethora of ways to promote your brand there, from short video reels to influencer corporations. This popularity of the platform has given rise to many Instagram influencers in different niches, so one of the strategies you can use is influencer marketing.

8. Focus on Customer Success: Focusing on customer success is essential for winning SaaS customers. If your customers are successful with your product, they're more likely to become advocates for your brand and refer others to your business. To achieve customer success, you need to provide excellent customer service, offer ongoing support, and continually improve your product based on customer feedback.

9. Co-promote with partners: One effective way to increase the reach and visibility of your SaaS proposition is to enlist the help of partners in promoting your product. By forming partnerships with complementary businesses or organizations (VARs/GSI/Distributors/Alliances/Affiliates), you can tap into their existing networks and gain access to a wider audience. Partnerships can take many forms, such as joint marketing campaigns, co-branded content, or referral programmes. By working together with partners, you can amplify your message and increase the likelihood of reaching your target audience.

In addition, partnerships can help to build credibility and trust with potential customers, as they may be more likely to trust a product that is recommended by a trusted partner. So if you want to take your SaaS proposition to the next level, don't hesitate to ask partners for help in promoting your product.

10. Monitor and measure results: Use analytics tools to track the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and make data-driven decisions about future strategies. This can help you continually improve and refine your marketing approach over time. Look to continually increase monthly/annual recurring revenues(ARR/MRR), reduce Customer Acquisition Costs (CAC) while increasing Customer Lifetime Value (CLV).


By implementing the 10-step blueprint, you can enhance your chances of attracting more SaaS customers and driving growth for your business. It's important to note that winning customers is a continual process, and you must consistently test and refine your sales and marketing strategies to stay ahead of the competition. By adopting a proactive and data-driven approach to your SaaS sales and marketing, you can identify areas for improvement and optimise your efforts for maximum impact. Keep in mind that success in the SaaS industry requires adaptability, innovation, and a deep understanding of your target audience and their needs. By staying agile and responsive to market trends, you can position your SaaS business for long-term success and growth.

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